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Victor Shepardson Intelligent Instruments Lab 2023

main(osc_port=8732, osc_return_port=None, osc_host='')


Name Type Description Default
osc_port int

listen for OSC controls on this port

osc_return_port Optional[int]

if supplied, reply on a different port than osc_port

osc_host str

leave this as empty string to get all traffic on the port


OSC Routes:

/anguilla/config "emb" "Identity"
    set embedding to Identity (the default)
/anguilla/config "emb" "ProjectAndSort"
    set embedding to ProjectAndSort

/anguilla/config "interp" "Smooth"
    set interpolator to Smooth (the default)
/anguilla/config "interp" "Softmax"
    set interpolator to Softmax
/anguilla/config "interp" "Ripple"
    set interpolator to Ripple

/anguilla/add "input" ... "output"... 
    add a point to the mapping

/anguilla/remove id 
    remove a point from the mapping by ID

/anguilla/remove_near "input" ... ["k" k]
    remove k points from the mapping by proximity

/anguilla/map "input" ... ["k" k] ["ripple" r] ["temp" t]
    map an input to an output using k neighbors
    "temp" 1 > t > 0 when using Softmax interpolator
    "ripple" r > 0 when using Ripple interpolator

    remove all points
/anguilla/reset "keep_near" ... ["k" k]
    remove all points except the k neighbors of "keep_near"

/anguilla/load path
    load IML from file at `path`
/anguilla/save path
    save IML to file at `path`

an additional segment in a route is the name of an IML instance which
it will target, e.g. /anguilla/add/myinstance
Source code in src/anguilla/app/
def main(
        osc_port: listen for OSC controls on this port
        osc_return_port: if supplied, reply on a different port than osc_port
        osc_host: leave this as empty string to get all traffic on the port

    OSC Routes:

        /anguilla/config "emb" "Identity"
            set embedding to Identity (the default)
        /anguilla/config "emb" "ProjectAndSort"
            set embedding to ProjectAndSort

        /anguilla/config "interp" "Smooth"
            set interpolator to Smooth (the default)
        /anguilla/config "interp" "Softmax"
            set interpolator to Softmax
        /anguilla/config "interp" "Ripple"
            set interpolator to Ripple

        /anguilla/add "input" ... "output"... 
            add a point to the mapping

        /anguilla/remove id 
            remove a point from the mapping by ID

        /anguilla/remove_near "input" ... ["k" k]
            remove k points from the mapping by proximity

        /anguilla/map "input" ... ["k" k] ["ripple" r] ["temp" t]
            map an input to an output using k neighbors
            "temp" 1 > t > 0 when using Softmax interpolator
            "ripple" r > 0 when using Ripple interpolator

            remove all points
        /anguilla/reset "keep_near" ... ["k" k]
            remove all points except the k neighbors of "keep_near"

        /anguilla/load path
            load IML from file at `path`
        /anguilla/save path
            save IML to file at `path`

        an additional segment in a route is the name of an IML instance which
        it will target, e.g. /anguilla/add/myinstance
    osc = OSC(osc_host, osc_port)

    instances = {}
    configs = defaultdict(dict)

    def _(address, **kw):
        k = get_handle(address)

        # TODO: validate input

    def _(address, input:Splat[None], output:Splat[None], id:int=None):
        key = get_handle(address)

        # d = len(input)
        # config['feature_size'] = d
        if key not in instances:
            # print(f'new IML object with Input dimension {d}')
            print(f'new IML object with handle "{key}" with config {configs[key]}')
            instances[key] = IML(**configs[key])

        return '/return'+address, instances[key].add(input, output, id=id)

    def _(address, id:int):
        key = get_handle(address)
        if key in instances:
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: {address}: no instance "{key}" exists')

    def _(address, input:Splat[None], k:int=None):
        key = get_handle(address)
        if key not in instances:
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: {address}: no instance "{key}" exists')

        instances[key].remove_near(input, k=k)

    @osc.handle('/anguilla/map*', return_port=osc_return_port)
    def _(address, input:Splat[None], k:int=None, **kw):
        key = get_handle(address)
        if key not in instances:
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: {address}: no instance "{key}" exists')
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: call {address.replace("map", "add")} at least once before {address}')

        # print(f'{kw=}')
        result = instances[key].map(input, k=k, **kw).tolist()

        return '/return'+address, *result

    def _(address, keep_near:Splat[None]=None, k:int=None):
        key = get_handle(address)
        if key not in instances:
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: {address}: no instance "{key}" exists')

        instances[key].reset(keep_near, k=k)

    def _(address, path:str):
        k = get_handle(address)

        assert path.endswith('.json'), \
            "ERROR: anguilla: path should end with .json"

        if k=='':
            print(f'loading all IML objects from {path}')
            d = anguilla.serialize.load(path)
            assert isinstance(d, dict)
            print(f'found IML instances: {list(d.keys())}')
            print(f'load IML object at "{k}" from {path}')
            instances[k] = IML.load(path)

    def _(address, path:str):
        k = get_handle(address)
        if k!='' and k not in instances:
            print(f'ERROR: anguilla: {address}: no instance "{k}" exists')

        assert path.endswith('.json'), \
            "ERROR: anguilla: path should end with .json"

        if k=='':
            print(f'saving all IML objects to {path}')
  , instances)
            print(f'saving IML object at "{k}" to {path}')