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Bases: Module

Source code in src/notochord/
class CensoredMixtureLogistic(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n, res=1e-2, lo='-inf', hi='inf', 
            sharp_bounds=(1e-4,2e3), init=None):
        self.n = n
        self.res = res
        self.sharp_bounds = sharp_bounds
        self.register_buffer('lo', torch.tensor(float(lo)))
        self.register_buffer('hi', torch.tensor(float(hi)))
        # TODO: init is not general-purpose
        if init=='time':
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(n), torch.logspace(-3,1,n), torch.zeros(n)
        elif init=='velocity':
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(n), torch.linspace(0,127,n), torch.zeros(n)
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(
                torch.zeros(n), torch.randn(n), torch.zeros(n)

    def n_params(self):
        return self.n*3

    def get_params(self, h):
        assert h.shape[-1] == self.n_params
        h = h+self.bias
        # get parameters from unconstrained hidden state:
        logit_pi, loc, log_s = torch.chunk(h, 3, -1)
        # mixture coefficients
        log_pi = logit_pi - logit_pi.logsumexp(-1,keepdim=True)
        # location
        loc = loc.clamp(self.lo-10*self.res, self.hi+10*self.res)
        # sharpness
        s = F.softplus(log_s).clamp(*self.sharp_bounds)
        return log_pi, loc, s

    def forward(self, h, x):
        """log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h
            h: Tensor[...,n_params]
            x: Tensor[...]
            "..." dims must broadcast
        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)    

        d = self.res/2
        x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)[...,None]
        x_ = (x - loc) * s
        sd = s*d

        # # censoring
        lo_cens = x <= self.lo+d
        hi_cens = x >= self.hi-d
        ones = torch.ones_like(s)
        zeros = torch.zeros_like(s)

        diff_term = torch.where(lo_cens | hi_cens, 
            ones, sd.exp() - (-sd).exp()
        minus_sp_term = torch.where(hi_cens, -sd, F.softplus(-sd-x_))
        plus_sp_term = torch.where(lo_cens, zeros, x_ + F.softplus(sd-x_))

        log_delta_cdf = diff_term - minus_sp_term - plus_sp_term

        # log prob
        r = {
            'log_prob': (log_pi + log_delta_cdf).logsumexp(-1)
        # diagnostics
        with torch.no_grad():
            ent = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).entropy()
            r |= {
                # 'min_sharpness': s.min(),
                'max_sharpness': s.max(),
                'mean_sharpness': (s*log_pi.exp()).sum(-1).mean(),
                # 'min_entropy': ent.min(),
                # 'max_entropy': ent.max(),
                'mean_cmp_entropy': ent.mean(),
                'marginal_cmp_entropy': D.Categorical(
                # 'min_loc': loc.min(),
                # 'max_loc': loc.max()
        return r

    def cdf(self, h, x):
            h: Tensor[...,n_params]
            x: Tensor[...]
                `h` should broadcast with `x[...,None]`
            cdf: Tensor[...] (shape of `x` broadcasted with `h[...,0]`)
        if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            x = torch.tensor(x)
        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)  
        cdfs = self.cdf_components(loc, s, x)
        cdf = (cdfs * log_pi.softmax(-1)).sum(-1)
        return cdf

    def cdf_components(self, loc, s, x):
        x_ = (x[...,None] - loc) * s
        return x_.sigmoid()       

    # TODO: 'discrete_sample' method which would re-quantize and then allow
    # e.g. nucleus sampling on the categorical distribution?
    def sample(self, h, truncate=None, shape=None, 
        weight_top_p=None, component_temp=None, bias=None, 
        truncate_quantile=None, quantile_k=1024, eps=1e-9
            h: Tensor[..., n_params]
            truncate: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]. lower and upper bound for truncation.
            shape: Optional[int]. additional sample shape to be prepended to dims.
            weight_top_p: top_p ("nucleus") filtering for mixture weights.
                default is 1 (no change to distribution). 0 would sample top
                component (after truncation) only.
            component_temp: Optional[float]. sampling temperature of each mixture 
                component. default is 1. 0 would sample component location only,
                ignoring sharpness.
            bias: applied outside of truncation but inside of clamping,
                useful e.g. for latency correction when sampling delta-time
            truncate_quantile: truncate the distribution again by quantile,
                after the effects of truncate, weight_top_p and component_temp.
            quantile_k: truncate_quantile is implemented by drawing this many
                samples and sorting them  
            Tensor[*shape,...] (h without last dimension, prepended with `shape`)
        if shape is None:
            unwrap = True
            shape = 1
            unwrap = False

        if truncate_quantile is not None:
            # draw k samples
            shape = shape * quantile_k

        if truncate is None:
            truncate = (-torch.inf, torch.inf)
        truncate = torch.tensor(truncate)

        if component_temp is None:
            component_temp = 1

        if bias is None:
            bias = 0

        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)
        s = s/component_temp
        scale = 1/s

        # cdfs: [...,bound,component]
        cdfs = self.cdf_components(loc[...,None,:], s[...,None,:], truncate) 
        # prob. mass of each component witin bounds
        trunc_probs = cdfs[...,1,:] - cdfs[...,0,:] # [...,component]
        probs = log_pi.exp() * trunc_probs # reweighted mixture component probs
        if weight_top_p is not None:
            # reweight with top_p
            probs = reweight_top_p(probs+eps, weight_top_p)

        # if not probs.isfinite().all():
            # print(f'{probs=}')

        ## DEBUG
        # print(loc)
        # print(s)
        # print(trunc_probs)
        # print(probs)
        #, log_pi.exp(), trunc_probs)
        # print(probs+eps)
        probs = probs.clamp(eps, 1)
        c = D.Categorical(probs).sample((shape,))
        # move sample dimension first
        loc = loc.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
        scale = scale.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
        upper = cdfs[...,1,:].movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
        lower = cdfs[...,0,:].movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)

        u = torch.rand(shape, *h.shape[:-1])
        # truncate
        u = u * (upper-lower) + lower

        u = u.clamp(eps, 1-eps)

        # x = loc + scale * (u.log() - (1 - u).log())
        x = loc + bias - scale * (1/u - 1).log()

        # if not x.isfinite().all():
            # print(f'{x=} {u=}')

        if truncate_quantile is not None:
            x = x.sort(dim=0).values

            idx = categorical_sample(

            x = x[idx]

        x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)
        x = x.clamp(*truncate)
        return x[0] if unwrap else x

cdf(h, x)


Name Type Description Default



Tensor[...] h should broadcast with x[...,None]


Returns: cdf: Tensor[...] (shape of x broadcasted with h[...,0])

Source code in src/notochord/
def cdf(self, h, x):
        h: Tensor[...,n_params]
        x: Tensor[...]
            `h` should broadcast with `x[...,None]`
        cdf: Tensor[...] (shape of `x` broadcasted with `h[...,0]`)
    if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
        x = torch.tensor(x)
    log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)  
    cdfs = self.cdf_components(loc, s, x)
    cdf = (cdfs * log_pi.softmax(-1)).sum(-1)
    return cdf

forward(h, x)

log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h Args: h: Tensor[...,n_params] x: Tensor[...] "..." dims must broadcast

Source code in src/notochord/
def forward(self, h, x):
    """log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h
        h: Tensor[...,n_params]
        x: Tensor[...]
        "..." dims must broadcast
    log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)    

    d = self.res/2
    x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)[...,None]
    x_ = (x - loc) * s
    sd = s*d

    # # censoring
    lo_cens = x <= self.lo+d
    hi_cens = x >= self.hi-d
    ones = torch.ones_like(s)
    zeros = torch.zeros_like(s)

    diff_term = torch.where(lo_cens | hi_cens, 
        ones, sd.exp() - (-sd).exp()
    minus_sp_term = torch.where(hi_cens, -sd, F.softplus(-sd-x_))
    plus_sp_term = torch.where(lo_cens, zeros, x_ + F.softplus(sd-x_))

    log_delta_cdf = diff_term - minus_sp_term - plus_sp_term

    # log prob
    r = {
        'log_prob': (log_pi + log_delta_cdf).logsumexp(-1)
    # diagnostics
    with torch.no_grad():
        ent = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).entropy()
        r |= {
            # 'min_sharpness': s.min(),
            'max_sharpness': s.max(),
            'mean_sharpness': (s*log_pi.exp()).sum(-1).mean(),
            # 'min_entropy': ent.min(),
            # 'max_entropy': ent.max(),
            'mean_cmp_entropy': ent.mean(),
            'marginal_cmp_entropy': D.Categorical(
            # 'min_loc': loc.min(),
            # 'max_loc': loc.max()
    return r

sample(h, truncate=None, shape=None, weight_top_p=None, component_temp=None, bias=None, truncate_quantile=None, quantile_k=1024, eps=1e-09)


Name Type Description Default

Tensor[..., n_params]


Optional[Tuple[float, float]]. lower and upper bound for truncation.


Optional[int]. additional sample shape to be prepended to dims.


top_p ("nucleus") filtering for mixture weights. default is 1 (no change to distribution). 0 would sample top component (after truncation) only.


Optional[float]. sampling temperature of each mixture component. default is 1. 0 would sample component location only, ignoring sharpness.


applied outside of truncation but inside of clamping, useful e.g. for latency correction when sampling delta-time


truncate the distribution again by quantile, after the effects of truncate, weight_top_p and component_temp.


truncate_quantile is implemented by drawing this many samples and sorting them


Returns: Tensor[*shape,...] (h without last dimension, prepended with shape)

Source code in src/notochord/
def sample(self, h, truncate=None, shape=None, 
    weight_top_p=None, component_temp=None, bias=None, 
    truncate_quantile=None, quantile_k=1024, eps=1e-9
        h: Tensor[..., n_params]
        truncate: Optional[Tuple[float, float]]. lower and upper bound for truncation.
        shape: Optional[int]. additional sample shape to be prepended to dims.
        weight_top_p: top_p ("nucleus") filtering for mixture weights.
            default is 1 (no change to distribution). 0 would sample top
            component (after truncation) only.
        component_temp: Optional[float]. sampling temperature of each mixture 
            component. default is 1. 0 would sample component location only,
            ignoring sharpness.
        bias: applied outside of truncation but inside of clamping,
            useful e.g. for latency correction when sampling delta-time
        truncate_quantile: truncate the distribution again by quantile,
            after the effects of truncate, weight_top_p and component_temp.
        quantile_k: truncate_quantile is implemented by drawing this many
            samples and sorting them  
        Tensor[*shape,...] (h without last dimension, prepended with `shape`)
    if shape is None:
        unwrap = True
        shape = 1
        unwrap = False

    if truncate_quantile is not None:
        # draw k samples
        shape = shape * quantile_k

    if truncate is None:
        truncate = (-torch.inf, torch.inf)
    truncate = torch.tensor(truncate)

    if component_temp is None:
        component_temp = 1

    if bias is None:
        bias = 0

    log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)
    s = s/component_temp
    scale = 1/s

    # cdfs: [...,bound,component]
    cdfs = self.cdf_components(loc[...,None,:], s[...,None,:], truncate) 
    # prob. mass of each component witin bounds
    trunc_probs = cdfs[...,1,:] - cdfs[...,0,:] # [...,component]
    probs = log_pi.exp() * trunc_probs # reweighted mixture component probs
    if weight_top_p is not None:
        # reweight with top_p
        probs = reweight_top_p(probs+eps, weight_top_p)

    # if not probs.isfinite().all():
        # print(f'{probs=}')

    ## DEBUG
    # print(loc)
    # print(s)
    # print(trunc_probs)
    # print(probs)
    #, log_pi.exp(), trunc_probs)
    # print(probs+eps)
    probs = probs.clamp(eps, 1)
    c = D.Categorical(probs).sample((shape,))
    # move sample dimension first
    loc = loc.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
    scale = scale.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
    upper = cdfs[...,1,:].movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
    lower = cdfs[...,0,:].movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)

    u = torch.rand(shape, *h.shape[:-1])
    # truncate
    u = u * (upper-lower) + lower

    u = u.clamp(eps, 1-eps)

    # x = loc + scale * (u.log() - (1 - u).log())
    x = loc + bias - scale * (1/u - 1).log()

    # if not x.isfinite().all():
        # print(f'{x=} {u=}')

    if truncate_quantile is not None:
        x = x.sort(dim=0).values

        idx = categorical_sample(

        x = x[idx]

    x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)
    x = x.clamp(*truncate)
    return x[0] if unwrap else x


Bases: Module

Source code in src/notochord/
class CensoredMixturePointyBoi(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n, res=1e-2, lo='-inf', hi='inf', sharp_bounds=(1e-5,2e3)):
        self.n = n
        self.res = res
        self.sharp_bounds = sharp_bounds
        # self.register_buffer('max_sharp', torch.tensor(float(max_sharp)))
        self.register_buffer('lo', torch.tensor(float(lo)))
        self.register_buffer('hi', torch.tensor(float(hi)))
        # TODO: init is not general-purpose
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(
            torch.zeros(n), torch.logspace(-3,1,n), torch.zeros(n)

    def n_params(self):
        return self.n*3

    def get_params(self, h):
        assert h.shape[-1] == self.n_params
        h = h+self.bias
        # get parameters fron unconstrained hidden state:
        logit_pi, loc, log_s = torch.chunk(h, 3, -1)
        # mixture coefficients
        log_pi = logit_pi - logit_pi.logsumexp(-1,keepdim=True)
        # location
        loc = loc.clamp(self.lo-10*self.res, self.hi+10*self.res)
        # sharpness
        # s = log_s.exp()
        # s = torch.min(F.softplus(log_s), self.max_sharp)
        s = F.softplus(log_s).clamp(*self.sharp_bounds)
        # s = log_s.exp().clamp(*self.sharp_bounds)
        return log_pi, loc, s

    def forward(self, h, x):
        """log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h"""
        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)    

        x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)[...,None]
        xp, xm = x+self.res/2, x-self.res/2

        # numerical crimes follow

        # censoring
        lo_cens = x <= self.lo
        xm_ = torch.where(lo_cens, -h.new_ones([]), (xm-loc)*s)
        axm_ = torch.where(lo_cens, h.new_zeros([]), xm_.abs())
        hi_cens = x >= self.hi
        xp_ = torch.where(hi_cens, h.new_ones([]), (xp-loc)*s)
        axp_ = torch.where(hi_cens, h.new_zeros([]), xp_.abs())

        log_delta_cdf = (
            (xp_ - xm_ + xp_*axm_ - axp_*xm_).log() 
            - (axp_ + axm_ + axp_*axm_).log1p() 
            - math.log(2))

        # log prob
        r = {
            'log_prob': (log_pi + log_delta_cdf).logsumexp(-1)
        # diagnostics
        with torch.no_grad():
            ent = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).entropy()
            r |= {
                'min_sharpness': s.min(),
                'max_sharpness': s.max(),
                'min_entropy': ent.min(),
                'max_entropy': ent.max(),
                'marginal_entropy': D.Categorical(
                'min_loc': loc.min(),
                'max_loc': loc.max()
        return r

    def cdf(self, h, x):
        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)  
        x_ = (x[...,None] - loc) * s 
        cdfs = x_ / (1+x_.abs()) * 0.5 + 0.5
        cdf = (cdfs * log_pi.softmax(-1)).sum(-1)
        return cdf

    def sample(self, h, shape=1):
            shape: additional sample shape to be prepended to dims
        # if shape is None: shape = []

        log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)
        c = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).sample((shape,))
        # move sample dimension first
        loc = loc.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
        s = s.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)

        u = torch.rand(shape, *h.shape[:-1])*2-1
        x_ = u / (1 - u.abs())
        x = x_ / s + loc

        return x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)

forward(h, x)

log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h

Source code in src/notochord/
def forward(self, h, x):
    """log prob of x under distribution parameterized by h"""
    log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)    

    x = x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)[...,None]
    xp, xm = x+self.res/2, x-self.res/2

    # numerical crimes follow

    # censoring
    lo_cens = x <= self.lo
    xm_ = torch.where(lo_cens, -h.new_ones([]), (xm-loc)*s)
    axm_ = torch.where(lo_cens, h.new_zeros([]), xm_.abs())
    hi_cens = x >= self.hi
    xp_ = torch.where(hi_cens, h.new_ones([]), (xp-loc)*s)
    axp_ = torch.where(hi_cens, h.new_zeros([]), xp_.abs())

    log_delta_cdf = (
        (xp_ - xm_ + xp_*axm_ - axp_*xm_).log() 
        - (axp_ + axm_ + axp_*axm_).log1p() 
        - math.log(2))

    # log prob
    r = {
        'log_prob': (log_pi + log_delta_cdf).logsumexp(-1)
    # diagnostics
    with torch.no_grad():
        ent = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).entropy()
        r |= {
            'min_sharpness': s.min(),
            'max_sharpness': s.max(),
            'min_entropy': ent.min(),
            'max_entropy': ent.max(),
            'marginal_entropy': D.Categorical(
            'min_loc': loc.min(),
            'max_loc': loc.max()
    return r

sample(h, shape=1)


Name Type Description Default

additional sample shape to be prepended to dims

Source code in src/notochord/
def sample(self, h, shape=1):
        shape: additional sample shape to be prepended to dims
    # if shape is None: shape = []

    log_pi, loc, s = self.get_params(h)
    c = D.Categorical(logits=log_pi).sample((shape,))
    # move sample dimension first
    loc = loc.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)
    s = s.movedim(-1, 0).gather(0, c)

    u = torch.rand(shape, *h.shape[:-1])*2-1
    x_ = u / (1 - u.abs())
    x = x_ / s + loc

    return x.clamp(self.lo, self.hi)

reweight_quantile(probs, min_q=0, max_q=1)

reweight ordinal discrete distribution to have mass only between quantiles

Source code in src/notochord/
def reweight_quantile(probs, min_q=0, max_q=1):
    reweight ordinal discrete distribution to have mass only between quantiles
    # TODO
    cdf = probs.cumsum(-1)
    raise NotImplementedError

reweight_top_p(probs, top_p)

given tensor of probabilities, apply top p / "nucleus" filtering, or temperature if top_p is greater than 1

Source code in src/notochord/
def reweight_top_p(probs, top_p):
    given tensor of probabilities, apply top p / "nucleus" filtering,
    or temperature if `top_p` is greater than 1
    if top_p > 1:
        probs = probs**(1/top_p)
        return probs / probs.sum(-1)

    # NOTE: this is fudged slightly, it doesn't 'interpolate' the cutoff bin
    desc_probs, idx = probs.sort(-1, descending=True)
    iidx = idx.argsort(-1)
    cumprob = desc_probs.cumsum(-1)
    # first index where cumprob >= top_p is the last index we don't zero
    to_zero = (cumprob >= top_p).roll(1, -1)
    to_zero[...,0] = False
    # unsort
    to_zero = to_zero.gather(-1, iidx)
    weighted_probs = torch.zeros_like(probs).where(to_zero, probs)
    return weighted_probs / weighted_probs.sum(-1, keepdim=True)